Elements Line

Elements Line

Air fresheners for the home based on a line of Yoga. Exclusive fragrances indicated for relaxation meditation. All the items in this collection can be chosen with any of our fragrances but Aromalia recommends one of the new 2022 fragrances: Zen Time, Energy Vital, Relax and Happiness. Manufactured entirely in Spain by hand.

Ambientador mikado de 250 ml. Yoga time.
Mikado 250 ml. Elements

Mikado 250 ml. Yoga line "Elements"

Ambientador spray de 100 ml. Yoga line
100 ml Elements spray

100 ml Yoga line spray air freshener

Ambientador spray de 300 ml. Yoga line
300 ml Elements spray.

300 ml Yoga line spray air freshener.

Cerámica perfumada. Piedras zen perfumadas.
Scented ZEN stone

Box with three scented ZEN stones

Bolsa textil con piedra perfumada y spray recuperador.
Scented stone bag

Textile bag with scented stone and recovery spray.

Bolsa textil con piedra perfumada y spray recuperador.
Hanging ZEN stone

.Scented ZEN stone with a revitalizing spray.

Piedra de cerámica perfumada con aceites esenciales . Va presentada dentro de un cuenco de madera prensada . Producto natural con propiedades de aromaterápia . Fragáncias ; Lavanda - Mejorana - Ravintsara - Eucamentos - Vainilla .   Entregamos carátula c
Therapeutic stone

Therapeutic stone

Esencia para difusores / brumizadores de aroma
30 ml Dropper Bottle

30 ml Dropper Bottle for Atomizer

Piedra artesana de material cerámico - Porta incienso - Colección Elements .
Ceramic incense holder

Handcrafted ceramic incense holder